Current Issue

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Current Issue :

2020 Vol 2 No 2 J East-Asian Urban His. 2020, 2(2): 297-308 DOI: Between a Beautiful City and a Garden City: Walter Burley Griffin’s Design of Canberra Jinbin Park
  • Received2020-11-23
  • Accepted2020-12-21
  • Published Online2020-12-31

Canberra, the capital city of Australia, has been known as an example of the international Garden City movement, which started by an Englishman Ebenezer Howard in the late 19th Century. As a new capital site, Canberra was designed by an American architect Walter Burley Griffin, the winner of the world-wide competition for a federal capital in 1912.
However, a closer look at the early history of Canberra would reveal that the popular understanding of her as a Garden City was somewhat exaggerated and distorted. Griffin’s ideas of the new capital strongly suggest that he was influenced by City Beautiful, an American urban planning trend. Also, Griffin’s original plan for Canberra was never fully appreciated nor realized, as many objections and difficulties arisen. Furthermore, Australian understanding of ‘Garden City’ evolved to more inclusive and overlapping idea of greener and less condensed towns in general.

Key Words: Garden City Movement, Canberra, Walter Burley Griffin, City Beautiful